Museum of the Islands

Preserving the past for the future on Pine Island, Florida

Calendar of Events

Pine Island Fishing

Tours are available by appointment.
Call 239-283-4298


Jan 5th Membership Meeting 7pm Fishers of Men Lutheran Church, Speaker: Robert Ballard with Calusa Land Trust
Feb 2nd Membership Meeting 7pm *Fishers of Men Lutheran Church, Speaker: Mary Kaye Stevens, Author
Mar 1st

Membership Meeting 7pm Fishers of Men Lutheran Church, Speaker: Annisa Karim, Randall Research Center Operations Manager

July 13th
Mango Mania, we will have a booth inside the building at Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Catholic Church, 12175 Stringfellow Rd, Bokeelia
Museum Open House

*All Membership Meetings are open to the public. You do not have to be a museum member to attend. Fishers of Men Lutheran Church, 10360 Stringfellow Rd, St James City, Pine Island.

Music provided by Frank Tuma,

Museum of The Islands
5728 Sesame Dr, Bokeelia, FL