Museum of the Islands

Preserving the past for the future on Pine Island, Florida


Farming played an important part of the early years of Pine Island and still do to this day.  In this section we will cover the various items that were grown on Pine Island.  Below is a stack of citrus crates waiting to filled.

Some of Pine Island’s early citrus farmers include J.H. Foster, P.C. Gill, Herman Hiltbrand, John Smith, W.E. Wilder, John Dampier, Harry Stringfellow, J.K. Spicer, John Celec and W.G. Masters.  Henry Martin had a store, an orange grove, hotel and large pier in Bokeelia.

Stack of Vegetable Crates

Credit this Photo Museum of the Islands.

A wagon and mule team hauling citrus boxes to the freight dock in Pineland around 1915.


Credit this Photo Museum of the Islands.

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