Museum of the Islands

Preserving the past for the future on Pine Island, Florida

Kinzie Brothers Steamer Line Schedule and Brochures

A postcard-sized brochure from the Kinzie Brother Steamer Line delineating the winter and summer schedule of the ferries and rates for crossing between Punta Rassa and Sanibel across San Carlos Bay. The Kinzie Line operated the ferries from 1928 until 1963 when the Sanibel Causeway was opened. States “Capt. Leon Crumpler in charge at Punta Rassa.” (Back of card)

Credit this Photo State University Libraries of Florida

A brochure from the Kinzie Brothers Steamer Line.


Credit this Photo State University Libraries of Florida

Another brochure from the Kinzie Brothers Steamer Line.


Credit this Photo State University Libraries of Florida

Map of San Carlos Bay area showing Kinzie Brothers ferry route.


Credit this Photo State University Libraries of Florida

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